
DayZ Lethal

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Product Details


- Magic Bullet
- Distance limiter
- FOV Limiter
- Bone selection
- Target infected

Player, Infected, Animal ESP

-Box ESP (bounding & static)
- Skeleton ESP
- Distance limits (per type)
- Nametag ESP (players with a nickname show their nickname)
- Held Item ESP
- Distance ESP
- Head dot ESP
- Healthbar ESP
- Corpse ESP

Item ESP

- Box ESP
- Line ESP
- Text ESP

2D Radar

- Show players, infected, loot etc
- Style customization
- Edge display
- Zoom, scale etc customization


- Display local coords
- Speed hack (2 - 10x) [without desync from session (Modded servers only!)]
- Speed hack modes
- Constant (constantly speed hack)
- On keypress (bind to any key)
- Time changer
- FOV changer
- Crosshair
- Debug camera (bind toggle to any key)
- Bypass server third person lock (use third person on first person only servers)
- Bypass server crosshair lock (enables the default game crosshair on servers that have it disabled)